Friday, May 9, 2008

One Final Thought

Obviously, I feel disappointed by the end of this semester. The thought of devoting this much time to something that fell through is truly disheartening but it wasn't the first time this type of thing happened to us, and I doubt it will be the last time it will happen.
I questioned several times during the semester who would take up the shells mantle when we left. It is still my question. The way I understood it, these shells will still happen, and that's good. But, with the databases that we have put together, there will need to be people behind us to keep them up, even over the summer until these go up.

In the end, I learned several skills I didn't know I had. I feel that I have learned that I work well with others, and my work with some of the younger reporters during the semester, I feel I can get the most out of people, which is nice. I have had the opportunity to work on my own and with others this semester, and I learned a great deal of patience.
With hindsight, it is easy to say that the shells took away from our work with the editors. I think that is true. But at the same time, the work we did on shells and the things we learned from it are important.
I am not upset that I was able to do this. And I might do it again, but I feel that the one on one work we do with our editors is important and what most of us sign up for this class. Another class should be set up to work on shells and keep up with them.
Just my opinion.

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