Monday, January 28, 2008

back to square 1

So. The tanning story.

  Turns out that it is already being worked on, and in much more depth than I was bringing to the table. Jackie Whipple has been working on it for two semesters and is trying to get final-type information about it from stonewalling administrators. 

  I'm glad I found out before moving forward with more interviews and writing; it would be too bad to blow up her story.

  Since this wasn't an issue of not checking Merlin, I guess what to think about is how now to overlap another reporter's scoop. The best way, I think, is to spread the word as wide as possible, especially in beat meetings. 

  I'm inclined not to say anything about a story I'm writing (except to friends) because a) I don't think it would be of interest, or b) I don't like to talk about writing before I actually do it, otherwise it sounds like a big windbag. 

  Lesson learned. And, go see There Will Be Blood when it comes out. 

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