Monday, April 28, 2008

My Exhale

It took a couple days longer than I wanted it to, but I finally will be in the position to work on one story the rest of the semester (I think) after tomorrow. The shells project continues to be both fun and frustrating, but such is the life of reporting.

I think when it's all said and done, the green shell will end up functioning pretty well. We have a variety of topics to cover and have left room for many more story updates in the future. Will we foster the conversation we so desperately desire? That remains to be seen, and it will be a challenge that cannot be solved in a week's or a month's time.

For sheer work done on the project, however, I think our group should be very proud. We were able to flesh out a lot of ideas and we functioned well even though the group size was small. Everyone has been doing their part and working hard. Here's to hoping it pays off.

As I said before, I hope to get a longer story written by the end of the next couple of weeks; the little stories that need to be written and the other little challenges in life have been making it a tough go. But there is still time. Not a lot, but enough.

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