Friday, February 29, 2008


Last week was somewhat rough for me because I felt like I was putting time into the Missourian that wasn't being honored. I wrote a blog about it and was asked what I learned.
I don't know.
This week I've had some similar problems with mis-communication.
I worked with a reporter on a story and she didn't use any of my information, I went and covered an event where no one showed up and AFTER I wrote the story was informed that it wouldn't be printed - I'm getting frustrated.
So, maybe the lesson is that I need to be better at communicating with those in the newsroom. I know that I need to be better about keeping in touch with my editors, and I've tried. It just seems like I'm still missing something.
I've been a reporter for six years now, and I've never had this much difficulty. I don't know if my uncertainty about pursuing journalism further is finally seeping it's way into my reporting, if I've outgrown the Missourian (which I doubt because some really great things are happening here), or if my attitude about slipping in and slipping out has finally caught up with me.
I really hope this shells project brings a little excitement for the craft back to me. I just don't believe I made it this far to give up, or start over, now.

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